Monday 15 July 2019

How Luxury Packaging Helps in Independence Day Decorations

Independence Day is all about festivity, parties, and gatherings. Since this is a general holiday all around the country, people use to invite friends to their places or go to their homes for celebrations. Exchanging of gift items wrapped up in Luxury Gift Boxes is another common practice that people love to do. Whether it is about decorating the home, terrace, or back yard, red, white, and blue are the dominant colors for this day. The gift items packaging for Independence Day is also decorated with the same colors to make it more relevant to the day.

Here are five exciting ideas💃about how packaging can help you in Independence Day Decorations.

Exhibit Red, Blue, and White 

There are many items that are exclusively related to Independence Day, and all you need to do is to wrap them up in the appropriate type of packaging in which red, white, and blue colors are prominent. This Luxury Boxes Packaging will not only help you to decorate the store, but it will also be useful for the customers to put up the items at any gathering that is related to Independence Day without even spending time and effort to decorate it accordingly. Such boxes can easily be ordered from any online packaging manufacturing company but make sure that you get the packaging delivered at your place in time. Also, make sure that the quality of the product is not questionable, go for the company that is trusted by you and other customers and as per mine research on gift packaging I found that The Premium Boxes is such one company who provides Best Luxury Packaging for your Luxury Products at Wholesale Price. The more AMAZING thing is that they don't charge for Die & Plates along with No Hidden or setup cost and they also do Ship your boxes absolutely FREE of cost at your doorsteps.

Focus on Local Products

Since Independence Day is an occasion when all the Americans are super excited about their country and their patriotism is high at that time, give importance to the products that are manufactured locally. This will not only promote made in the USA products but also generate revenue for the local manufacturers as well as for the retailers. For example, a Luxury Box Chocolate for the locally manufactured chocolate and other confectionaries will be the sweetest thing you can put on display at the store or at the central table of your common room. The packaging can be customized with the colored stripes and stars to make it more relevant to the day.

Announce a SALE

Everyone loves to offer gifts and presents to their loved ones on this special day, so it is better if you put some exclusive items on sale. This is a simple but effective trick that can help you to get the attention of the customers. Being a manufacturer, take a bold step, do not wait for the retailer or the store management to put the items on sale and announce it directly by yourself. Sale! Sale! Sale! These are the three magic words that can grab the attention👀 of anyone irrespective of gender, age, and race. Make the sale items more personalized by mentioning Luxury Gift Boxes for her and for him on the items that are specific for men and women.

Propose FREE Delivery

Free delivery is another trick to boost the sale of the products that are to be used for the decoration of Independence Day celebrations. Many leading stores, online and local, offer free delivery for Wholesale Luxury Gift Boxes while there are some business owners that provide the service for the retail purchase of the items as well. Whatever the case is, providing the necessary items to the customers at their doorstep not only attracts them to the products but also help to raise the sale of them. Another aspect of delivering the items is that while cargo, wherever the package will go, it will support the upcoming major event, the Independence Day.

Expose Strips and Stars

Since both the strips and the stars are the essential part of the USA😍 emblem, make the most of it by adding them on the packaging solution of the products that are to be sold on the special occasion of Independence Day. It is not necessary to use both at the same time; you can do that by adding only one at a time. For example, if you are a 💝chocolate manufacturer, you can mold the chocolate into a star shape and get it packed with the packaging that is of any of the three colors of the USA flag. All three colors can also be used to differentiate between various flavors of the product.
The strips can be used for the packaging of a lot of items such as Luxury Gift Boxes, a bottle of champagne or wine, confectionary buckets for kids, and many others. The strips can either be straight, zigzag, dotted or any other customized pattern you want for the packaging. The glittering lamination on the boxes makes them stylish as well as enhances the protection of the items that are to be packed inside them.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Reason - Why is Packaging Lingerie in Different Boxes Essential?

Lingerie packaging may not seem like it is something done delicately, and the packaging may look like the packaging for any other apparel packaging but the truth is, the packaging designed for lingerie is completely different. A lot of factors like the shape and material used in the lingerie is considered while designing its packaging. There are many kinds of lingerie boxes and packaging for each type and style of lingerie and the packaging is manufactured by keeping the safety of the product at priority. It is true that lingerie is delicate, and stacking can ruin it forever if not packaged in sturdy packaging.

Lingerie Packaging Should Pass the Following

So, in the process of designing lingerie packaging, a lot of factors like safety of the product, lingerie material, structure of packaging and lingerie, price, quality, etc. are kept in mind. Normally a lingerie packaging has to go through the following tests:

Is the packaging safe for lingerie?

The first and most important question is based on a lot of situations where a product is damaged and wasted just because the packaging could not keep it safe. Safety of the product against excessive heat and cold, fire, stacking, tearing, breaking and a lot of other factors must be ensured, and that can only be done when the packaging is designed correctly. Not every overly expensive packaging can guarantee safety, you can get a good design, good quality and strongly built packaging done by spending wisely, by going to a custom lingerie packaging manufacturer who is already in the business doing packaging for many big brands. If your product packaging is clearing this question, if every question checks, your product is safe.

Is the packaging making lingerie overly priced?

Again, as discussed before, the packaging can be expensive but it should not exceed your packaging budget in any way. Because if it does, this packaging will result in making your lingerie brand items expensive, so instead one should completely avoid highly expensive packaging but they should go for the custom lingerie packaging manufacturers who can offer them a better bulk rate, in order to keep the price the same, and affordable. There are luxury lingerie brands that are having above the par prices, such brands do not charge because of how much they are spending on the packaging, they have their packaging budget too, the price is for their brand’s prestige and the quality of the lingerie that in the first place brought the brand where it is today.

Is the packaging appropriate for the type of lingerie?

Every lingerie brand is using luxury lingerie packaging. The packaging must represent the quality and class of the product, in a way that when someone sees the packaging it must tell them what class of product should they expect. A very important thing to remember here is to ensure not to bring the hopes too high or not too undersell the product through the packaging, a fine and clean balance is going to go a long way.
Also important is to make sure that the types of lingerie is well suited for the packaging you are designing. Extra marks for a packaging that does not need additional gift wrap, exhibits femininity and hits the arrow right in the target.

Is the lingerie being shipped in the same packaging? If yes, is the packaging shipping friendly?

The packaging used in display and the packaging used in shipping the items is different. Where in display most lingerie brands would put the lingerie in the paper bag after putting them in light and delicate packaging, the lingerie that is ordered online and is being shipped to a different city or country is packaged using tons of inserts, safety hazards, care instructions, sturdy boxes and shipping boxes etc., all this packaging material while keeping it in mind that lingerie boxes end up feeling feminine and attractive enough for the buyer, and should not turn off the receiver because of so many layers of packaging, so even after all of this packaging the product must be easily accessible.

Is the packaging design for lingerie brand in any way disrespectful?

A very important part in the packaging is to make one thing sure that the packaging can be cool, feminine and flirty, but it can never be in any way overly exposing, disrespectful or way too vulgar. Women like packaging that is pretty, lacy, delicate and enough good looking to be Instagram-ed yet no one likes it when the lingerie boxes are in any way vulgar, poorly designed, and or disrespectful to the buyer. Since sharing stuff on social media gives a brand additional marketing and endorsement opportunity, along with safe packaging and unique design they can earn a good score when their buyers are sharing their bought merchandise on social media without paying them.

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Where can you get Distinctive Boxes for Ring?

A piece of jewelry is, in more than enough times bought to be gifted. When someone doesn’t know what to get, they buy a piece of jewelry as a gift, every minute there is an engagement and a wedding happening and this brings a lot of competition for a jewelry brand. Ring boxes wholesale is a business that experiences innovation every second of the day. You think of a design once and the next moment someone else is using that design of packaging for their product, all the whole keeping the cost of packaging in control gets in the way of creating a brilliantly unique packaging idea.

Where Should You Buy Ring Boxes for Your Jewelry & Accessory Brand?

So you have a product, you know it has been worked on and planned for many days and even months. Now is the time to bring justice to the beauty of this jewelry or ‘rings’ to be exact and you also want your rings to be seen by the right buyer at the right time. This is the time you must be looking for ring boxes USA that can do justice to the beauty of your rings. First you need to classify what type of rings are you manufacturing and designing, in order to understand what type of packaging should work well with the rings you are designing and then the next task is to find where the boxes are available.
Generally, there are two ways of buying ring boxes USA. One is to buy the packaging from a wholesaler who has a variety of options readily available from all shapes and sizes. You find them online or physically in a shop and then match whatever is available with your product and get some brand stickers made for them. The second option is finding someone who can manufacture the boxes for you based on your requirements. That is called buying customized ring boxes online. Let’s dig deeper and see how both are done and what benefits do they hold.

Buying From a Seller

When you are buying from a seller, you will be presented with a lot of packaging options. From different box materials to different textures, different sizes and styles of packaging will be shown to you. Some of which may be commonly available. You can find ring boxes online and do complete business online without having to personally go and buy them to save time. And then pay for the boxes, add your own brand stamps, labels, logos, inserts, etc. to the pre-made boxes and your boxes are good to go. ThePremiumBoxes is one of the best platform to provide you luxury packaging for your jewelry products.

Customized Ring Boxes

The second method is to explore the world of customization where every good or bad idea you have in your mind for custom ring boxes can be given the shape of reality. In most cases, there will be a MOQ for customized packaging but a good manufacturer and a designer will never let this come in your way of getting customized boxes for your rings. What happens is, you look up for inspirations online, explore what is being done, come up with a few ideas of your own and then find a manufacturer, discuss price quotes, pay for your samples and get the packaging delivered to you.

Benefits of Buying From a Seller

The benefits of buying a seller, who is selling pre-made jewelry and ring boxes is that the packaging will be delivered to you in a very short time. Whatever you have picked will be handed over to you in a very short time and you can, after adding your brand logos, or not, start using the packaging immediately. 

Benefits of Buying Customized Ring Boxes

Customized cheap ring boxes may take slightly longer than pre-made boxes to be delivered to you but they certainly have benefits. First of all, you can use the material that you like for them, meaning you can use lightweight, inexpensive materials for making shipping inexpensive for the buyer. Secondly, you can have any sort of customization done! The boxes when delivered to you will not require you to add brand logos on your own or add any kinds of inserts in the custom ring boxes whatsoever. They will be absolutely ready for you to use right away, they are surprisingly sometimes cheaper than the premade boxes and they certainly have more benefits than buying premade boxes!

Reasons why you should never go for pre-made packaging for your accessory brand

More than many times you will be faced with the dilemma of wanting the packaging done and delivered fast and the ready-made packaging boxes must tempt you. But there are serious reasons why you must not get lured into the trap! First of all those boxes are not made for your jewelry, secondly, you will be using a lot of stickers and labels and all to make the packaging look like it was made for you and it will make things worse, so always go for custom ring boxes and stay far away from making the huge mistake.

Friday 15 March 2019

How Custom Jewelry Boxes Makes Easy To Protect and Present Your Jewelry Products?

Making and designing beautiful jewelry boxes is challenging and complicated for many reasons from a manufacturer’s and a retailer’s perspective. One faces many challenges while coming up with perfect packaging for jewelry, challenges such as ensuring that the jewelry inside the box is safe, it looks pretty inside it and the overall packaging does not look sloppy or poorly designed because after all, it’s a piece of jewelry. Customized boxes for jewelry are well designed when the size and weight of the jewelry are thoroughly kept in mind, it makes the jewelry safe, and gifting visually appealing which is very important!

Challenges of designing Custom Jewelry Boxes

It is no surprise that designing jewelry boxes is nothing less than a huge challenge for a designer and a manufacturer. First of all the main challenge is to ensure that the packaging goes with the kind of jewelry that is being put into it. One can’t put too traditional jewelry in modern packaging, and similarly, you can package modern pieces of jewelry in very old traditional style packaging, there needs to be coordination in style of the box and the jewelry which brings the designer to the next challenge. There are many kinds of jewelry under one label or brand, ensuring that every piece whether modern or traditional coordinates with the packaging can be quite a task! The second and most important challenge is to come up with packaging that makes the jewelry visually more appealing and must enhance the beauty of the jewelry. 

Futuristic Jewelry Gift Packaging Ideas 

Jewelry boxes of different kinds are out there for inspiration, but some of the most loved packaging at the moment is one which makes access to the product very easy. For example, top lid jewelry packaging made of very sturdy materials is what is mostly liked. Women are habitual of stacking jewelry boxes in their closets and keeping in mind that some jewelry is heavier than usual, the boxes need to sustain the weight that is being put into it. A very modern design idea is to use materials that need less printing, enhances the jewelry and adds to its beauty and then also keeps the jewelry secure in its original packaging as you can check here:

Dos and Don’ts of Jewelry Packaging

Here are some most highlighted dos and don’ts of jewelry boxes packaging:
Do ensure that the jewelry box is made of sturdy materials
Do invest time in research
Do a test run the jewelry packaging before it is being produced in lots
Do not use materials that are easily broken, bent or burned
Do not design packaging that only benefits in keeping the jewelry safe, or a packaging that only aims to look pretty but is really not as tough as needed for jewelry, the packaging should be covering both concerns.

Why Jewelry Packaging need to Provide Additional Safety to Product

It is no secret that women or girls belonging to any class like keeping their closets full of jewelry, given that fact, ladies like keeping jewelry in their original packaging because as it is generally believed, the original packaging is the safest for any product. Keeping that in mind, 90% of the women will not be taking out the jewelry to put it in something else and will be using their original jewelry packaging boxes to keep the product safe. In that case, stacking can cause damage to the jewelry. Another scenario when the jewelry is being shipped, the same stacking issue can put the jewelry to harm. Other than the stacking bit, there are several more instances like excessive exposure to moisture or heat that can damage some types of jewelry as well. 

Best Practices while Designing Jewelry Boxes

Everyone learns a thing or two from their competitors and that is a very smart thing to do. Designing Custom Jewelry Boxes can be difficult if one is not spending enough time in tracking what other jewelry manufacturers and designers use in packaging. Keeping a track of packaging materials that other brands are using, and looking at online marketplaces for inspiration is the best practice to do. The last step, however, is to trial run the packaging you come up with and test it against factors like weight, stacking, heat, moisture etc. before bulk is sent under production.

Brand Identity in Customized vs. Pre-made Boxes

It is easy to get the boxes that are readily available for jewelry packaging compared to getting them designed and produced. But those boxes are also being used by many other merchandisers and in that case, brand identity is killed. Pre-made boxes are also not manufactured keeping your specific product needs in mind. In that case, customized jewelry boxes are the best because they are designed keeping the needs of one specific brand of jewelry in mind, making jewelry more appealing.

Where to get Custom Cream Boxes at Wholesale Prices?

If you are in cosmetic business, your target market is too wide. You need the kind of packaging for your cosmetics especially cream packaging boxes to attract customers of all ages and to attract them; the packaging must be done with high quality material. A huge percentage of makeup products are cream based. We have a solution for the packaging of your liquid foundations, moisturizers and cream based products of any type of consistency.

Why is your savior?

There are a variety of options out there in the packaging industry. We set our services apart by providing all the kind of packaging solutions for your cream packaging boxes in one place. We have in-house designers to cater to your design requirements, they help you design the packaging exactly the way it is in your mind. We do not compromise on the quality of our packaging and printing, and we make sure that our customers are satisfied with their purchase and come back to us for more custom cream packaging.

Presentation is everything in cosmetic industry:
The customers of your makeup products are usually between the ages of 16-55, that makes the challenges of cosmetic industry very tough. Cream packaging designed by our designers will be designed in such a way that it attracts all the customers irrespective of their age. They must be attracted to your product immediately and whether they have recently bought a cream or a moisturizer or they are over-stocked on foundation, they should get your product because it looks pretty. No matter how dense the formula of your product, it needs to look pretty to sell in the cosmetic industry.
Everyday there’s a new lip kit introduced and every hour there is a new primer launched by a well-known brand. We believe that with the right packaging and right cream boxes, your product can create a fan following and a permanent customer base.

Custom cream boxes from is providing best price quotes:
Whether you are a new start-up or an already existing cosmetic brand, you must make sure you are getting the custom cream boxes on the lowest prices. We welcome you to compare our prices with the quality of our product. We are providing the best quality in the best wholesale price quote with absolutely no hidden charges.
You can choose from a variety of boxes from our online catalog, the best cream storage boxes with lids are available on the lowest quotes. The wholesale prices will allow you to save up a lot on the packaging of your product and there is no other company that offers the same prices as us considering the quality of our services and our product.

Premium Cream Packaging Boxes further enhance the worth of product:
There is no doubt about the fact that premium packaging adds value to the product. Cheap looking packaging can destroy the overall appearance of the product, not a lot of people will be interested in buying something that appears floppy and is packaged poorly. Especially with the cream products, the prospective customers should find the product appealing. Printed cream boxes with a catchy brand logo, sturdy built and smooth texture appeals the buyers at once since they are looking for expensive looking boxes to make sure that the product inside is of premium quality. We will not only add that value to your product, our experts will help you understand the various packaging options available for the kind of product you manufacture. Whether it is a cream blush-on with considerably thick consistency or a fixing spray with very runny consistency, your products will get the right packaging of cream storage boxes you desire.

Now if it is cream gift boxes or a cream box of any kind for any cream product at all, you know where to go. Get in touch with our experts through the online representatives and we promise to bring class to your product. is where you imagine and we design!